The Scala Cinema Portfolio
An unusual collection of Shackleton and Quest ‘ephemera’

When Southward on the Quest, the film of the
expedition, was released, the Scala Cinema in London
issued, to go with the film, “A fine series of Souvenir
Pictures of the Shackleton Antarctic Expedition’ which
could be had of the attendants. Price 2/6.”
This was a folio of 8 photographs taken during the
expedition, bound in a brown paper cover and tied with a
cord. Originals are rather rare. One was sold recently
for around £2,500.
I was fortunate to acquire what appears to be a proof
copy, sent to Frank Worsley. It has the inscription:
Jean; from Wuzzles, Xmas, 1923. ‘Wuzzles’ was
Worsley’s nickname. It’s quite large: 360 x 290 cms (14”
x 11.5”).
This facsimile is limited to 275 copies. It has 8
photographic plates, the covers are thick brown board,
and with it is the following:
1. A 16pp facsimile of the New Scala Cinema brochure for
the film. It contains “The Story of the “Quest” by
Commander Frank Wild, CBE, and other details of the
expedition, crew etc;
2. A four page facsimile flyer advertising a talk by
Frank Wild to be held in Eastbourne in December, 1923
3. Twelve images of the Quest expedition in the form of
4. An 8pp brochure certifying the copy number, with
various pictures, film review, and maps.
Limited to 275 copies. Price £50.00 Order
An account of the Voyage of the Belgica – Georges

Over 120 years ago a Belgian expedition set sail for the
Antarctic. Under the command of Adrien de Gerlache de
Gomery it was the first expedition of a purely
scientific nature and it provided a wealth of
information along with the first pictures ever taken on
the ice. Though the explorers did not reach the Pole
they were the first to overwinter in the Antarctic.
On board the ship were two famous Polar explorers, Roald
Amundsen, the future conqueror of the South Pole and Dr.
Frederick Cook, who already explored much of the Arctic
with Commander Robert Peary and who later claimed to be
the first to reach the North Pole.
Georges Lecointe was appointed first officer (and
therefore second in command) on board Belgica. Lecointe
was also responsible for hydrography , depth-soundings
and charting.
This was a multi-national expedition – Belgian,
Norwegian, Polish, an American doctor and a
Romanianzoologist. With such a diverse crew and almost a
year stuck in the ice there were problems aplenty. That
all ended well was due largely to four men – Amundsen,
Cook, Lecointe and de Gerlache himself. Lecointe’s book
is perhaps the most readable of all accounts of the
The first English translation of Lecointe’s 1904 book of
the Belgica Expedition.
330pp, hardback. Jacketed. 90 photographs and
illustrations, five separate maps, 20pp brochure, five
postcards of the expedition. Price £42.50 Order
South Polar Trail
The Log of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition
Ernest Mills Joyce. With an introduction by Hugh Robert
Mill and a new introduction by Beau Riffenburgh

the dust-jacket of the original edition:
The whole grim truth about life on an Antarctic
expedition will never be printed, but in this book, a
transcript of the log kept by Mr. Joyce on the most
arduous depot-laying journeys ever accomplished, real
facts are bluntly revealed without idealization or
romance. Mr. Joyce, who had entered the Navy at the age
of fifteen, had so distinguished himself in previous
Antarctic expeditions that he was asked by Shackleton to
join his Imperial Trans-Antarctic expedition, and put in
charge of the laying of depots at intervals of sixty
miles from the Ross Sea to the Beardmore Glacier within
six degrees twenty minutes of the South Pole. He
accomplished this tremendous task in spite of appalling
hardships which killed three of his party. But owing to
the failure of Shackleton’s party which was to have
crossed the Antarctic Continent from the other side and
used these depots on their return journey northwards,
they proved of no avail, and are now still lying where
Joyce placed them, preserved for ever by snow and
The introduction by Dr Hugh Robert Mill, the well-known
expert in Antarctic travel, enables the reader to start
the log fully informed of all the circumstances of the
This is a limited edition facsimile of 300 individually
numbered copies of the 1929 original, including the
Hardback, jacketed, 220pp + 32 plates.60 illustrations.
Price £30.00 Order

We have a small number of facsimile copies of the
original cover of THE SOUTH POLAR TRAIL. These are the
correct size and have been carefully produced to match
as far as possible the original.
Price: £4.50
C. Reginald Ford
This is probably the rarest of all first-hand accounts of Scott’s Discovery Expedition. Ford was a steward on the expedition and is notable mainly for being the first man to break his leg skiing in the Antarctic.

Upon the Expedition's return Ford acted as Scott's secretary during the leader's lecture tour. Some of his photographs were used by Scott in
The Voyages of the 'Discovery'. He moved to New Zealand in 1906 and began to study architecture and later became a partner in one of that country's most prestigious firms.
Antarctica was published privately in 1908 and this is a facsimile of his original booklet. Ford, in a letter to a friend in 1963,confirmed that Scott himself gave him permission firstly to lecture in England and then later in Canada and Australia and also to write a book. He said ‘I should quite probably have done these things without consent but I preferred to ask anyway.’
The booklet is 32 pages in length and has thirteen pictures. It is 150mm x 110mm (6” x 4.5”) The cover is linen-textured card.
Presented in a black gift box it also contains a facsimile of a 4pp 1905 brochure (295 x 210mm) detailing the author’s lectures in Australia and a 12pp pamphlet of biographical details, newspaper articles and pictures.
Four Antarctic postcards are also included. The print run is limited to 400 copies.
This is a very unusual piece of Antarctic history.
Price £30.00 REDUCED
TO £25.00
Antarctic days. Sketches of the homely side of Polar life by two of Shackleton’s men. Illustrated by the authors, James Murray and George
Marston, and introduced by Sir Ernest Shackleton.
A facsimile edition limited of 280 individually numbered copies.
In association with The Ernest Shackleton Autumn School,
a project of the Athy Heritage Centre Museum
In 1913 James Murray and George Marston wrote ANTARCTIC DAYS - Sketches of the homely side of Polar life. Both men were with Shackleton on the Nimrod Expedition. James Murray was the biologist in charge of base camp and George
Marston, the official expedition artist.
Marston was also official artist on the Endurance expedition and designed and produced the title pages and illustrations for Aurora Australis and contributed several paintings to Shackleton’s The Heart of the Antarctic. When trapped on Elephant Island he gave up his oil paints to be used to help caulk the James Caird for the journey to South Georgia. He died in November 1940 and is buried in East
Lyng, Somerset.
In June 1913 Murray joined a Canadian scientific expedition to the Arctic aboard the ill-fated Karluk as oceanographer. The ship became trapped in the Arctic ice in August 1913. Eventually, Murray mutinied against the captain and escaped across the ice with three others . Their fate remains uncertain.
In his introduction to the book, Shackleton wrote that this ‘is the first time an unofficial, and therefore more human document, is presented to the public. …Anyone who wants to get to the kernel of the life of the Polar explorer should read the book.’
ANTARCTIC DAYS was originally published in 1913 as a limited edition of 280 copies as is this facsimile edition. With an introduction by Joe O’Farrell each book is cloth bound, jacketed and numbered. This is one of the most sought-after of Antarctic titles, ranking alongside both The Heart of the Antarctic and Aurora
Australis. An original copy was recently sold at Bonhams and fetched £6,250 (incl. auctioneers commission).
304pp, 4 colour plates, 30 photographic illustrations and 24 further illustrations. Hardback and jacketed.
Price: £75.00 REDUCED
TO £60.00 plus post. Order
With the Aurora in the Antarctic 1911–1914
John K Davis
With a new introduction by Beau Riffenburgh

< click the pic
to zoom |
Douglas Mawson who led the Australian Antarctic Expedition 1911–14, called it
a stirring tale of exploration in what he referred to as ‘The Home of the Blizzard’. This expedition is well documented but much less well known is the story of the expedition’s ship, the
Aurora, and its remarkable captain – John King Davis. Both Davis and Mawson cut their Antarctic teeth as members of Shackleton’s expedition of 1907–09 and, by the time he retired, Davis was one of the most experienced ice captains in the world.
The Aurora was built in 1876 as an Arctic whaler. Although old and battered, captained by Davis it managed three Antarctic voyages in support of Mawson and his men. Known as ‘Gloomy Davis’ by his crew, he was a reticent man of principle and determination. His view of the captain’s role brought him into direct conflict with Mawson, with inevitable tensions for the expedition. Yet both men were crucial to the success of the expedition, both in terms of exploration and science.
Published in a small edition in 1919 it is now very scarce and we are delighted to be able to re-publish, in facsimile form, the original account of the ship’s exploits.
The introduction by the well-known polar historian Beau Riffenburgh provides an excellent overview of both Davis and the expedition.
This is a companion volume to our earlier book Trial by Ice – the Antarctic Journals of John King
Davis, edited by Louise Crossley.
312pp + 1 fold-out map (includes 83 illustrations)
hardback, blocked in gold on front and spine. REDUCED
TO £22.50